BBC NEWS “Doctors gobsmacked” by MAXVAC air filter’s effect on Covid

This is a Huge Boost in the fight against Covid as this pioneering “World First” experiment at Addenbrookes Hospital has proved the MAXVAC Air Filtration System, makes the Covid-19 “disappear”
The documented research and trials carried out by Dr Vilas Navapurkar and his team, Addenbrookes Hospital Cambridge, have confirmed that the innovative MAXVAC Air Purifier featuring high flow Alpaire® HEPA filters and advanced Steribreeze® UV-C technology greatly reduces the risk of Covid-19 transmission as it simply removes and destroys the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Author of the study, Dr Vilas Navapurkar, Intensive Care at Addenbrookes, told BBC News [1], “It was an idea, and we didn’t know it would work, and luckily, we managed to get together a group of people, engineers, scientists, doctors, and we went for it! … I think it was fair to say that we were all fairly gobsmacked by the results. We were able to show that SARS-CoV-2, “The Virus”, was in the air, measure how much was there and prove that we could get rid of it.”
“There is also new hope for a range of other facilities beyond the NHS, including care homes, schools, retail, and other indoor leisure facilities”. Dr Vilas Navapurkar explained.
Neil Parsons, Business Development Executive at MAXVAC, states, “The statistics regarding Covid-19’s transmission in hospitals during the peak of the pandemic are alarming, with one study finding that 11,800 people caught Covid-19 in British hospitals during the first wave. This shows the very real need to find a solution.
The trials at Addenbrookes [2] with equipment from Mechtroniks have proved that MAXVAC’s advanced technology can massively reduce the risk of airborne transmission of Covid-19 and other virus and bacteria in hospitals. No doubt this effective and relatively low-cost equipment can be used to the same effect in schools and other public areas and workplace environments too.”
The MAXVAC Medi 10 Air Filtration System is the culmination of pioneering science and engineering by parent company SwissLogo AG and their associates who have a long track record of clean air innovations. The challenge was to refine a sequence of filters and UV-C light in a way that would create an intense Killer zone to more effectively clean the air and reliably kill viruses such as Covid-19 by disrupting their DNA. This was achieved by pioneering new (patent protected) high flow Alpaire® HEPA filters and advanced Steribreeze® UV-C technology that can maintain peak performance and CLEAN AIR FAST™. It’ is a completely safe and tamperproof design, that is especially suitable for use in rooms with large numbers of people, such as waiting areas, hospitals, clinics, relaxation rooms, bars, restaurants, hotels, shops, schools, gyms and more.
Michael Ching, CEO at SwissLogo AG, said, “We are delighted with the results of this study, but certainly not surprised. The technologies within the MAXVAC Medi units are designed to purify the air in exactly these situations and we had every faith in our engineers abilities. Going forward, we are proud to be a part of helping reduce the transmission of Covid-19 in high-risk areas and will hopefully play a role in enabling us all to return to a more normal way of living.”